Parenting coordinators Parenting co-ordinators help

Parenting Co-ordinators can make decisions, so you do not have to return to court

Parenting coordination is an approach to resolving ongoing parenting issues once a parenting plan has been established.

Most parenting plans are in the form of a court order or written agreement. These normally deal with guardianship, parental responsibilities, and parenting time (access). However, no agreement can cover all contingencies. Parenting coordination comes in when parents have difficulties working out the implementation of an agreement or court order.

A parenting co-ordinator is an alternative to returning to court to resolve disputes. When parents can’t reach an agreement a parenting coordinator will make the decision. The decision is binding on both parents.
How does it work?
When disputes arise, either parent may contact the Parenting Coordinator. The Parenting Coordinator will listen to both parent’s point of view and will consider the child’s wishes when appropriate. The Coordinator will attempt to build a consensus, but if that fails, the co-ordinator will make a binding decision.
For example, a court order may say that the parents split Christmas holidays. It will not include specific dates. In the past if there were a dispute, the parents would have to go to court to resolve the dispute. This could cost thousands of dollars per parent and take a couple of months. A Parenting Coordinator would listen to both parents. They may speak to the child. They will try and help the parents reach a deal. If that fails, they will make the decision in the same way that a judge would. The difference is that lawyers do not need to be involved and the process will cost hundreds not thousands. The cost is normally divided between the parents.
The speed at which parents can access a Parenting Coordinator is a major benefit. Disputes can be discussed in person, by telephone or by video conferencing. Parents do not need to be in the same location as a Parenting Coordinator. A Parenting Coordinator can also make the decision by telephone as long as they provide the parents with a written decision soon after.
If future disputes arise, the parents can go back to the Parenting Coordinator. Along the way, the Parenting Coordinator will try to help the parties develop independent resolution skills. Parenting Coordinators also help parents communicate better and avoid hot button items which trigger conflict.
How do I get started?
Contact Butterfield Law to arrange a consult with an accredited BC Parenting Coordinator.
Micheal Butterfield
Collaborative Lawyer and Mediator
Family Arbitrator & Parenting Co-ordinator