Child Custody Dispute-Father Prevails & Awarded Costs

A Victoria father has been awarded costs, after a Judge found the behaviour of his ex-wife “reprehensible” in a child custody dispute.  The mother, L.A.L. repeatedly made sexual abuse accusations that the father, P.A.L. She claimed he started sexually abusing there their daughter when she was 2 year old.  Over the…

Child Indicators of Parental Alienation

Parental alienation is real. It occurs when a child expresses an overwhelming preference for one parent and extreme negativity towards the other parent. Parental Alienation is different from Estrangement.  Dr. Baker, defined an “alienated child” as one who unjustifiably rejects one parent (the “disfavoured parent”) and is aligned with the other parent…

Grandparents- Visitation & Decision Making

Grandparents often think that they know best when it comes to their grandchildren.  But what are their limitations when it comes to parenting decisions and visitation? It can be in a child’s “best interest” to have a relationship with their grandparents. However, if the grandparents are not “guardians”, their participation…

Top 5 Myths About Child Custody

Top 5 Myths About Child Custody MYTH #1.  ” Mothers always get custody of the children.” TRUTH:  Shared Guardianship is the most common arrangement when the parents are separated.  This may not mean equal parenting time, but both parents will be involved in making major decisions for their children. MYTH #2….

Parental abduction feared by the Courts

Many divorced parents wish to travel with their children internationally, to visit family and friends.  However, parental abduction is feared by the Courts.   A recent New Westminster court decision (E033145; June 12, 2015) outlines the reasons why a parent may have their application to travel declined.  That reason involves…