Separation And Early Inheritance

When a relationship ends one issue that frequently needs to be addressed is how gifts and inheritances are dealt with.  Section 85(1) of the Family Law Act  makes the situation a lot simpler. This provision for gifts and inheritances (aside from capital gains) to be excluded from the family property which…

What is A Family Case Conference?

Court Procedure made simple After you have received your notice for a first appearance in Provincial Family Court, the next step in a court process is to have a case conference with a judge. This is normally arranged at your first appearance in court. A Family Case Conference (FCC) is…

Lawyer not Listening? Get help.

What to do when your lawyer isn’t listening. Q: I hired a lawyer helped me with my divorce. He came highly recommended. Before we reached the agreement, she was really attentive. Now she is ignoring me. I am buying my wife out of the house and really need the Written Agreement in…

Oil Heating – Don’t Get Burnt

Oil heating is expensive. An average tank holds about 1000 liters and cost between $1300 and $1500 to fill. Poorly insulted homes with older furnaces can easily use $500 of oil per month.  Oil heated houses are generally a lot cheaper to rent than electric or gas heated homes. Do…