by Jayne Embree on May 25th, 2018
Before you separate or divorce in BC, there are things you can do before you leave your relationship that will make it easier. TOP PRIVACY & FINANCIAL THINGS TO DO 1. Create a new private email address, and change all of your online and computer passwords. This includes your cell…
by Jayne Embree on September 18th, 2017
Why Back to School Time is so Stressful For Separated Families & What You Can Do to Cope: September can be a stressful time for families, but even more so for separated or divorced ones. Parenting Time Changes For children who have two homes, there can be dramatic changes in…
by Michael Butterfield on August 18th, 2017
“Contract mediation does not focus on who is right or wrong, but is a way of finding solutions”, says Victoria Lawyer and Mediator Michael Butterfield. Mediation is often used to correct an error or misunderstanding in a contract. The purpose of mediation can be to repair a contractual relationship, or to end a contract….
by Jayne on November 12th, 2015
There are lot of traps to avoid in divorce. Some can be simple things, like not having enough information, and some can be complex like knowing the right approach to use. The following are five major financial mistakes, which can be easily avoided. Being In The Dark About Family Finances…
by Michael Butterfield on October 27th, 2014
Don’t fear the lease Many tenants are asked to sign a lease. A lease is a contract in which the tenant agrees to rent a property for a specific length of time. The most common one is for 12 months. If you move out before the end of the term,…