Separation And Early Inheritance

When a relationship ends one issue that frequently needs to be addressed is how gifts and inheritances are dealt with.  Section 85(1) of the Family Law Act  makes the situation a lot simpler. This provision for gifts and inheritances (aside from capital gains) to be excluded from the family property which…

Tenants Insurance: Why You Need It

With the recent fire at View Tower’s in Victoria, BC, many tenants are asking do they need insurance. The simple answer is yes. The first and foremost consideration for tenants is protection of personal property.  Landlords have limited legal obligations and are not responsible for damage to or loss of…

What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)?

What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)? There are probably as many ADR approaches as there are different types of conflict. Most of the time the process is fluid and the best process may develop with the file. The following is an overview of the ten main types of alternative dispute…

Access and Parenting Time Explained

Access and Parenting Time Explained

Q: I know the law changed recently. What is the difference between access and parenting time? Is guardianship the same as parental responsibilities? A: The new BC Family Law Act (FLA) has made several key changes.  The terms “custody” and “access” have been abandoned and replaced by a broader definition…

How Much Child Support and Extra Expenses?

How Much Child Support and Extra Expenses?

Q: What should I pay in child support? My ex is a waitress, so she has a low income on her tax return, but earns tips. How does that work with extra expenses? A: Child support: Child support is governed by the Federal Child Support Guidelines. Normally, these calculate child…