BC Family Court & Covid-19

BC Family Court & Covid-19

The Court Registry windows for help and information for Provincial and Supreme Court matters in the Victoria BC courthouse.

Common Mistakes in Financial Statements for BC Family Court

Financial Statements can be intimidating.  For most people, this is the first time they have to swear an affidavit.  The key thing to remember is to be honest.  If you do not know the answer to a question, say so. They other thing to remember is that a Financial Statement…

Butterfield Law Gives Back-Charities & The Law

Professions, like the law and counselling, often encourage their members to give back to the community.  Butterfield Law has supported a variety of charities since Michael Butterfield was called to the bar in 2001. Michael Butterfield does not just “talk the talk” he also “walks the walk”- or run as…

Child Custody Dispute-Father Prevails & Awarded Costs

A Victoria father has been awarded costs, after a Judge found the behaviour of his ex-wife “reprehensible” in a child custody dispute.  The mother, L.A.L. repeatedly made sexual abuse accusations that the father, P.A.L. She claimed he started sexually abusing there their daughter when she was 2 year old.  Over the…

Child Home Alone Attracts Child Protection

At what age can a child stay home after school on their own? A B.C. Supreme Court Judge has supported a Social Worker’s conclusion that children under the age of 10 should not be left on their own. This conclusion is based on the September 15, 2015 Reasons For Judgment…