Ending Domestic Violence

Ending Domestic Violence

Screening for domestic violence is a crucial part of family law cases.

Back to School Stressful for Separated Families

Why Back to School Time is so Stressful For Separated Families & What You Can Do to Cope: September can be a stressful time for families, but even more so for separated or divorced ones. Parenting Time Changes For children who have two homes, there can be dramatic changes in…

Child Indicators of Parental Alienation

Parental alienation is real. It occurs when a child expresses an overwhelming preference for one parent and extreme negativity towards the other parent. Parental Alienation is different from Estrangement.  Dr. Baker, defined an “alienated child” as one who unjustifiably rejects one parent (the “disfavoured parent”) and is aligned with the other parent…