BC Family Court & Covid-19

BC Family Court & Covid-19

The Court Registry windows for help and information for Provincial and Supreme Court matters in the Victoria BC courthouse.

Top 10 Things to Do Before You Separate or Divorce

Top 10 Things to Do Before You Separate or Divorce

Before you separate or divorce in BC, there are things you can do before you leave your relationship that will make it easier. TOP PRIVACY & FINANCIAL THINGS TO DO 1. Create a new private email address, and change all of your online and computer passwords.  This includes your cell…

Police body cameras reduce Violence

As President Obama urges investment in Police body cameras, new research shows that their use decreases conflict. Being aware that you are being filmed improves both the behaviour of police and the public, according to a Cambridge Criminology Professor. Dr. Barak Ariel conducted a 12-month study with 988 police officers in…

BC Judge Rejects Night-Before Marriage Agreement

B.C. Supreme Court Justice Bruce Greyell agreed with a Courtney Woman when she testified that signing a marriage agreement the night before her wedding was unfair. A retired RCMP officer with two ex-wives had his bestman, also a retired RCMP officer, pressure the woman into signing the agreement while she…