by Michael Butterfield on November 11th, 2016
There are free services available to help families in many aspects of family law. These services help to compliment those that a Lawyer or Mediator can provide. The following are what we, at Butterfield Law, believe are the most useful free services for families: 1.LEGAL AID: Can’t afford a lawyer…
by Jayne on September 18th, 2015
At what age can a child stay home after school on their own? A B.C. Supreme Court Judge has supported a Social Worker’s conclusion that children under the age of 10 should not be left on their own. This conclusion is based on the September 15, 2015 Reasons For Judgment…
by Michael Butterfield on April 11th, 2015
When Child protection agency removed parents from the home, instead of kids, locals applauded innovative decision. When children are at risk in their homes, within the Misipawistik First Nation, their parents will be removed rather than the children. In most jurisdictions, children are the ones who are removed from homes…