Back To School With Separated Families

Separation and Back To School Getting children and families set up for school year schedules after a long summer break is complicated for everyone.  When you add separation into the equation, planning can only get more complicated.  Everyone involved wants the back to school process to be as smooth as…

Top 5 tips when selecting a Family Therapist during separation

Did you know that anyone in B.C. can call themselves a “counsellor” or a “therapist”? If you are looking for a counsellor to help you or your children get through a separation, consider these top 5 suggestions: 1.  FIGURE OUT WHAT KIND OF COUNSELLOR YOUR FAMILY NEEDS There are a…

Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubrey In Court Over New Parenting Conflicts

Co-Parenting Isn’t Easy Being a separated parent can be difficult, most of all for the kids. Parents need to learn how to work together and not put children in the middle of their conflicts. Halle Berry took Gabriel Aubrey to court on November 26, 2014, over concerns that he straightened…