Top 5 Myths About Child Custody

Top 5 Myths About Child Custody MYTH #1.  ” Mothers always get custody of the children.” TRUTH:  Shared Guardianship is the most common arrangement when the parents are separated.  This may not mean equal parenting time, but both parents will be involved in making major decisions for their children. MYTH #2….

Top 5 Myths About Child Custody

MYTH #1.  ” Mothers always get custody of the children.” TRUTH:  Joint Custody/Guardianship is the most common arrangement when the parents are separated.  This may not mean equal parenting time, but both parents will be involved in making major decisions for their children. MYTH #2.  “I have to fight to…

Top 5 tips when selecting a Family Therapist during separation

Did you know that anyone in B.C. can call themselves a “counsellor” or a “therapist”? If you are looking for a counsellor to help you or your children get through a separation, consider these top 5 suggestions: 1.  FIGURE OUT WHAT KIND OF COUNSELLOR YOUR FAMILY NEEDS There are a…