Taking the Mystery out of Legal Fees

Chances are that, if your only experience with lawyers is watching Law and Order or Ally McBeal, the cost of legal fees may come as a shock.  Most people do not give much thought to the cost of hiring a lawyer, until they need one. It is good to remember…

Missed School Prompts Change in Custody

BC court finds school attendence a major factor in a change in custody. A June 2015 B.C. family court case judgement  shows the importance of a child’s attendance at school, when parents disagree who the child should live with. The 11 year old boy, “BG”, had been living primarily with his…

Top 5 tips when selecting a Family Therapist during separation

Did you know that anyone in B.C. can call themselves a “counsellor” or a “therapist”? If you are looking for a counsellor to help you or your children get through a separation, consider these top 5 suggestions: 1.  FIGURE OUT WHAT KIND OF COUNSELLOR YOUR FAMILY NEEDS There are a…