B.C. Unveils On-Line Alternative to Court

On Tuesday March 10, 2015, Attorney General Suzanne Anton announced that the B.C. Government is introducing a new on-line program to help settle disputes involving small claims (up to $25,000), including personal injury cases, contract disputes, debt, and strata issues for owners and tenants. The new program, which would be…

Uber Executive Filed For Restraining Order on His Landlord

Emil Michael, Senior Vice President of Business for Uber Technologies, filed for a restraining order against his landlord, tech industry lawyer John Danforth, on September 5, 2013. He alleged that his landlord harassed and intimidated him.  The legal case is just now coming to light following recent disputes between Michael…

6 Effective Strategies for Communicating With Your Ex

COMMUNICATION TIPS FOR SEPARATION & DIVORCE Talking with an ex-partner can often be difficult, particularly when you are in the middle of negotiating a separation agreement or divorce settlement. Even if you are in an assisted family law process, such as Collaborative Law or Mediation, talking with your ex-partner can…

Understanding a Lease and a sub-lease

Don’t fear the lease Many tenants are asked to sign a lease. A lease is a contract in which the tenant agrees to rent a property for a specific length of time. The most common one is for 12 months. If you move out before the end of the term,…

Tenants Insurance: Why You Need It

With the recent fire at View Tower’s in Victoria, BC, many tenants are asking do they need insurance. The simple answer is yes. The first and foremost consideration for tenants is protection of personal property.  Landlords have limited legal obligations and are not responsible for damage to or loss of…