Extraordinary Expenses

Extraordinary expenses are those costs above and beyond what would normally be covered by child support. They are governed under Section 7 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines. What kinds of things potentially qualify as extraordinary expenses? childcare needed due to the custodial parent’s employment, illness, or education medical premiums,…

Taking the Mystery out of Legal Fees

Chances are that, if your only experience with lawyers is watching Law and Order or Ally McBeal, the cost of legal fees may come as a shock.  Most people do not give much thought to the cost of hiring a lawyer, until they need one. It is good to remember…

Grown Children & Child Support

Reaching “the age of the majority” does not end a parent’s obligation for child support.  For parents engaged in a high conflict divorce, this milestone can actually add stress and conflict to the family system. Graduation from highschool can be a difficult transition when it comes to child support. A…

When Does Child Support End?

Parents are required to support  their children. This is the case even if they do not see them on a regular basis, and also when they share parenting time with the child. Child Support is the money one parent pays to the other to help provide for the daily needs…

Top 5 Myths About Child Support

CHILD SUPPORT MYTHS DE-BUNKED: MYTH #1.  “My one night stand got pregnant-she told me she was on the pill.  She can’t come after me for child support.” TRUTH:  Every parent has financial responsibility for their children, regardless of how they were conceived.  Every child has the right to be supported….