Child Home Alone Attracts Child Protection

At what age can a child stay home after school on their own? A B.C. Supreme Court Judge has supported a Social Worker’s conclusion that children under the age of 10 should not be left on their own. This conclusion is based on the September 15, 2015 Reasons For Judgment…

Missed School Prompts Change in Custody

BC court finds school attendence a major factor in a change in custody. A June 2015 B.C. family court case judgement  shows the importance of a child’s attendance at school, when parents disagree who the child should live with. The 11 year old boy, “BG”, had been living primarily with his…

Shared Parenting works well for Children

Shared parenting provides longterm stability and better health. However, Many divorced parents worry that having children shuttle between homes can be stressful for their children.  However, a newly released Swedish study of of nearly 150,000 tweens and teens has found that children with a shared parenting arrangment actually cope better than…

Pink Concert blamed for bad parenting

A New Jersey father used a Pink Concert to try and persuade a family court judge that his ex-wife was a bad parent, in a family court case released April 25, 2015. The Pink concert was the final straw for father, C.Z. He and mother D.Z., were engaged in protracted litigation…

Top 5 Myths About Child Custody

MYTH #1.  ” Mothers always get custody of the children.” TRUTH:  Joint Custody/Guardianship is the most common arrangement when the parents are separated.  This may not mean equal parenting time, but both parents will be involved in making major decisions for their children. MYTH #2.  “I have to fight to…

Child protection removes Parents from home

When Child protection agency removed parents from the home, instead of kids, locals applauded innovative decision. When children are at risk in their homes, within the Misipawistik First Nation, their parents will be removed rather than the children.  In most jurisdictions, children are the ones who are removed from homes…