Separation Agreement Fails to Protect Canadian rocker Randy Bachman

Bachman-Turner Overdrive guitarist Randy Bachman and his estranged wife have been sent back to the negotiating table- highlighting the pitfalls of partial settlement in divorce cases. In his October 24, 2014 ruling, B.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice Hickson stated, “ It is not for the Court to fill in essential…

Can Negotiation Work for You?

Negotiation is something we do everyday with our spouses, colleagues, children, and even strangers. Most people are pretty good negotiators because they know what they want and what they are willing to give up to get it. The corner stone of negotiation is compromise. So why do spouses have such…

Understanding a Lease and a sub-lease

Don’t fear the lease Many tenants are asked to sign a lease. A lease is a contract in which the tenant agrees to rent a property for a specific length of time. The most common one is for 12 months. If you move out before the end of the term,…

Can Family Mediation Work for Me?

Is Family Mediation right for you? This is an important question. Many people want to try family mediation because they fear going to court. This is understandable as court is expensive and time consuming. Is Family Mediation the answer? In most the answer is yes. The research shows that Mediation is successful…

Travelling with Kids outside of Canada

Documentation Requirements for One Parent Traveling with Kids: If your child is travelling out of Canada with only one parent, a friend or a relative, it is important to be prepared with appropriate documentation.  As the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) states on their website: “Border services officers watch for…