by Michael Butterfield on August 21st, 2018
Separation and Back To School Getting children and families set up for school year schedules after a long summer break is complicated for everyone. When you add separation into the equation, planning can only get more complicated. Everyone involved wants the back to school process to be as smooth as…
by Jayne Embree on September 18th, 2017
Why Back to School Time is so Stressful For Separated Families & What You Can Do to Cope: September can be a stressful time for families, but even more so for separated or divorced ones. Parenting Time Changes For children who have two homes, there can be dramatic changes in…
by Jayne on May 1st, 2016
“Parental alienation is the term used to describe the overall problem of children being encouraged by one parent — the favoured parent — to unjustly reject the other parent – the targeted parent” (Amy J.L. Baker, Ph.D.). This pattern of behaviour is different from normal adjustment to divorce, and…
by Jayne on February 28th, 2016
Extraordinary expenses are those costs above and beyond what would normally be covered by child support. They are governed under Section 7 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines. What kinds of things potentially qualify as extraordinary expenses? childcare needed due to the custodial parent’s employment, illness, or education medical premiums,…