Ending Domestic Violence

Ending Domestic Violence

Screening for domestic violence is a crucial part of family law cases.

Divorce & Summer Holidays

Divorce & Summer Holidays

Three smiling young children splash in the water of a pool during their summer holidays.

Back To School With Separated Families

Separation and Back To School Getting children and families set up for school year schedules after a long summer break is complicated for everyone.  When you add separation into the equation, planning can only get more complicated.  Everyone involved wants the back to school process to be as smooth as…

Top 10 Things to Do Before You Separate or Divorce

Top 10 Things to Do Before You Separate or Divorce

Before you separate or divorce in BC, there are things you can do before you leave your relationship that will make it easier. TOP PRIVACY & FINANCIAL THINGS TO DO 1. Create a new private email address, and change all of your online and computer passwords.  This includes your cell…

Retirement & Support Payments

Retirement & Support Payments

What To Do with Retirement and Support Payments:  Is Voluntary Retirement a Material Change? It is not so easy to just decide to retire, when you have to pay child support and/or spousal support after divorce in BC. It is unwise to unilaterally cancel or reduce support payments.  However, retirement…